Friday, 10 December 2010

Punishment for the Crime

Today, I sat an exam on Criminal Law and Evidence. I don't think I've ever before sat a university exam in which one was expected to write long and hard about strap-on dildos. That oddity apart, it went much as expected, three questions from five. The usual mixture of crimes of property, violence, and sex, with diversions into evidence, and defences. But not the expected question on fraud (well, unless you count the "sexual deception" one), but one about attempted robbery instead.

I manage to answer my quota, and I think I covered the main points of each in a reasonably coherent and comprehensive way. But, again, like the Property exam, my weak little brain flat refused to divulge the names, or details, of the relevant authorities, so it's just a little light on them. Which will put a clear upper bound on the grade I can get. But I'm not going to try to predict that, this time. Not after having got it so wrong last time. That said, I don't hold out too much hope of being as pleasantly surprised this time.

Ah, well. Now, a quick trip to the pub, sleep. and then into a two-day blast, trying to consolidate all the Contract law I can, before regurgitating it on Monday morning. Hopefully, Scotrail will deign to run some trains on time, or, indeed, at all, so I can get to the exam before it starts this time.

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